2019 Distinguished Family Business Award
“our work isn’t glamorous, but it’s important for the food chain”
-scott daniel
A crowded banquet room in Fresno was the gathering place for nine of the most successful family owned businesses in California. The 30th annual California Family Business Awards were hosted September 4th by the Fresno State Craig School of Business, Institute of Family Business to award nine businesses with the 2019 Outstanding Family Business Awards, and one as the Distinguished Family Business of the Year.
Young’s Commercial Transfer was among the nearly one hundred businesses nominated, and one of nine chosen to be celebrated at the annual event. “We were grateful to be included with the other outstanding businesses nominated. Being a finalist was a great accomplishment; winning was a shock,” said Scott Daniel, co-owner and president. “It’s humbling to be recognized for what our team has achieved.”
The Family Business Awards banquet is an annual event presented by the Institute of Family Business at Fresno State’s Craig School of Business. The nine Outstanding Family Businesses were chosen based on several key criteria, including family participation, service to community, and distinction. The Distinguished Family Business is chosen from among those nine, and is based on its ability to overcome obstacles, company vision, and longevity.
Young’s is an 84 year old family owned business, now in its third generation of management with the fourth generation actively working in the company. “Over half of all family owned businesses fail to pass from the first to second generation” said Daniel, “and only 3% will make it to the fourth generation. We are fortunate to have such a great legacy to carry on.”
Young’s Commercial Transfer began in 1935 when J.R. Young purchased a small trucking company hauling agricultural commodities in Lindsay. In 1945 the company moved to Porterville, where its corporate offices remain today. According to Larry Young, Co-owner and retired president, the company “was known throughout the state of California for its integrity and customer service”. Larry took over the business at the age of 22 and continued to build on that reputation providing agricultural partners with the best service in the industry. In 2000, his son-in-law Scott Daniel took over as president and CEO, beginning the next chapter of family leadership.
Today Young’s is one of the largest for-hire trucking companies in the agriculture sector, hauling tomatoes, citrus, potatoes, carrots and more. “We are the first link in the food chain, hauling food from the field that will eventually end up on your dinner table”, said Daniel. “Our work isn’t glamorous, but it’s important for the food chain.”
Young’s employs approximately 100 full time support staff, along with 150 to 300 drivers depending on the season. According to Daniel “We are trying to build something that we can hand down to our children, and to the children of our employees; they are family too. If we take care of our employees, customers and vendors, we will all be here a generation from now.”
By RANDY DANIEL Special for The Recorder Sep 26, 2019